We would like to remind those who are engaged in affiliate marketing and promotion of goods and services for affiliate commissions, about the necessity of using affiliate disclosure on the pages and in the posts that contain affiliate products.
Affiliate disclosure is a statement that makes it clear there is an affiliate relationship between a publisher and a brand. This can be a relationship where the affiliates receive anything in return for their endorsements, such as a commission, free items, flat fee, sponsorship, or other things of non-monetary value.
The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) requires anyone engaged in affiliate marketing in the U.S. to clearly and conspicuously disclose that they may receive compensation for their promotion of third-party products or services. When using written media with a link of any kind, consider using one of the following statements (or something similar):
“This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated”
“As an affiliate, I may be compensated if you make a purchase”.
Read more about affiliate disclosure
Each affiliate RSS feed generated in RSS Ground contains an affiliate disclosure in the feed’s channel:

Learn more about affiliate content feeds
To add affiliate disclosure to your content widgets, you can use the HTML wrap before option in the Basic settings in content widget editor:
Learn more about Content Widgets
To add affiliate disclosure hashtag to your automated posts, you can use the Hashtags pool option in the Posting Advanced settings in a posting campaign editor:

Learn more about automated posting campaigns